You’ve probably figured out, once you leave established religion, support dries up pretty quickly.
I know. I did it for 30 years. Now I’m old. Now my best contribution is to support you.
I worked my ass off for 30 years, deconstructing religion, then reconstructing a healthy way to do spiritual community.
It’d be a shame after all that work, all those years, to not give away what I’ve learned.
Get the Free Online Course
I wrote an online course for our community’s future leaders—21 lessons, 10-minutes each—what we’ve done these 30 years, what we learned, what we’d do again, what we wouldn’t. Turns out, leaders of other communities have found it very helpful.
Get Coaching
For years leading Common Thread, my approach has been highly personal and relational. I’m taking the same approach with younger leaders reimagining/rebuilding spiritual community. If that’s you, let’s talk—online at first—and if we’re on the same page, schedule a zoom.
Video Toolkit
1/13/25 A Central Organizing Principle
1/6/25 Trade Your God In For A New One
1/20/25 Big Jim (the jackass)
Sat Dec 28th, 2024