Each year I go away for a week of silence and solitude. I often spend a week with the monks down at Mepkin Abbey.
This year, however, I was feeling unsettled about the prospect of sitting down for a whole week (I do a lot of sitting at Mepkin).
As the date approached (and still feeling unsettled), my son told me about a movie he’d seen in his Spanish class. It’s called The Way, about a father taking a pilgrim’s walk through France and Spain after his son dies. I queued it up and watched it. The route Martin Sheen travels is an ancient pilgrimage called the Camino De Santiago (Way of St. James). It snakes through France and Spain, ending in the westernmost part of Continental Europe.
When I saw the movie, something clicked.
That’s what I need for silence and solitude… a walk!
Now is not the time to walk the The Camino (maybe in a year), so for now I’ll just walk from my house to the sea.
I’m off next Monday (4/8), and won’t be posting for a while.
I’ll walk from Raleigh to Nags Head, NC, following the Mountain-to-Sea Trail. If I walk 20-25 miles a day (sleeping in church yards), and if I don’t get lost, I should be home by late April. It’s about 320 miles total.
I’ll resume posting in May.
(Hopefully with an awakened soul.)